E-mail / newsletter statistics
- 40% said that simply receiving email has a positive impact on their likelihood to make a future purchase a company. - Epsilon "Branding Survey" (Feb 2009)
- 71% remember email communications when making purchases at the sending company’s web site. - Epsilon "Branding Survey" (Feb 2009)
- 54% of respondents in a consumer survey said they had a more favorable opinion of the companies that send them email. - Epsilon (Oct 2008)
- 84% of respondents said they like receiving email from companies with whom they register, because even if they don’t always read the message, it’s good to know the information or offer will be there when they’re ready. - Epsilon "Branding Survey" (Feb 2009)
- In 2005, 43% of respondents said it would be okay for companies they know and trust to send email more frequently. In the recent study, that number dropped to 29%. - Epsilon "Branding Survey" (Feb 2009)
- Email marketing doubles buying intention and increases aid recall by a further 14%. - Unilever, eCircle and GfK (2008)
- 40% of consumers say email comes too often - David Daniels, Vice President, JupiterResearch (Dec. 2007)
- B2B subscribers are twice as likely to consider email "spam" if it comes "too frequently." - MarketingSherpa (2007)
- More than one-quarter of the email that consumers received in their inboxes was marketing. - JupiterResearch (2007)
- Wednesday was the best day of the week in the third quarter of 2007 to send email in terms of click (3.9%) and open rates (25.4%). - eROI (2007)
- Average open rates on Tuesdays were 22.6% and clicks were 3.2%; open rates on Thursdays were 23.6% while click rates were 3.7%; open rates on Friday were 23.1% and clicks were 3.1%; and open rates on Sunday were 20.7% while clicks were 2.4%. - eROI (2007)
- Most marketers send email to their customers once a week. - Shop.org, State of Retailing Online 2007 report (Sept. 2007)
- When askedd why recipients stopped subscribing to opt-in emails, more than one-half said the content was no longer relevant, and 40% said they were getting too many offers. - JupiterResearch (2007)
- 45% of small businesses execs want to receive the (email) newsletter weekly, 34% said monthly. - Bredin Business Information (2007)
- 60% of online retailers conduct between one and three campaigns each month;32.8% coordinate four to 15 campaigns each month;7.2% conduct more than 15. - Internet Retailer (2007)
- 37.4% say they receive more email than they expected when they signed up. - Return Path (2007)
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