Thursday, April 2, 2009

Susbcribing to RSS feeds

I subcribed to RSS of a few sites about a couple of months ago! This started with the most basic of my needs of staying informed of what was happening in India, so I subscribed to the feed at ibnlive and I have to say that I was bitterly disappointed with how badly it was managed eventually leading me to delet the feed and switching to ndtv 24x7.

With time i've really got used to this feature and find it extremely useful on a host of things that interest me. I strongly suggest you try this out!

  • A news aggregator or RSS reader is a software application that collects and displays news headlines and summaries from sources that you have designated.
  • An RSS feed is an XML document that contains the news headlines and summaries.
I've put together a simple procedure that should help in getting you started.

1. For starters, get yourself an RSS reader, there are tonnes of them available online for free. I havent checked out too many but i'm using something called 'feedreader 3.13' ( and install it on your PC

2. Locate the web address (url) of the RSS feed (XML file) that you wish to subscribe. Most sites that interest you would have the options of subscribing to their RSS feeds

3. Use the 'Add Feed' button to insert the url of the news feed

4. Many of the news readers will allow you to set the interval that the software will look for a feed update others simply update daily. Some, auto update the second there is an update on the site u've chosen.

5. Voila! Need more explanation? Buy 'Dummies'

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